Your Baby is Unique! Enter the Store Brand Formula Sweepstakes!

This post is sponsored by Store Brand Formula.  All thoughts and opinions are brand formula

As the mom of 3 kids, my biggest mistake is often thinking that my kids are the same.  Sounds silly, right?  But time after time, I catch myself thinking that all of them will like something just because their brother or sister liked it.  I have to constantly stop myself and remember their individual personalities before recommending a book, movie, amusement park ride, or, well, just about anything.  Yes, they all spent 9 months living inside me, but they all popped out with different likes, dislikes, and personality quirks.

My silly, sassy, adventurous first born was a difficult, fussy baby that needed attention constantly…Greenleigh Sassy Baby Picture

My quiet, passive daughter slept 7+ hours at a time from day one and there were times where I was quite convinced that she might raise herself if I stepped aside and allowed her to do it…Hazeline Pro Pic

And my last baby, my baby boy, is the perfect mix of them both, letting me know when he needs my help, but preferring to explore on his own when possible.Everett Baby Picture

Simply put, each of my kids is unique in their own special way and it’s been that way since they were born.

As a new mom, I worried so much about to feed my unique babies.  Since I couldn’t breastfeed and my supply as an exclusive pumper just couldn’t keep up with the demand, my babies were primarily formula fed.  It was at that point that I realized just how expensive formula can be.  Once as I grabbed a container off a shelf, an employee mentioned to me that it should be “liquid gold” for that price.  And he was right.  It was then that I realized the beauty of store brand formulas.

What most moms don’t know – and what I didn’t know when I was a new mom spending tons of money for specific name brands – is that the FDA strictly regulates formula, so store brand formulas like Target’s Up & Up and Walmart’s Parent’s Choice are nutritionally comparable to the name brands like Enfamil and Similac.  Best of all, these nutritionally comparative store brand formulas come at a much, much lower cost than those pricey name brands, saving your family money.  It’s so affordable, you no longer have to be upset over wasting formula that your baby started but didn’t finish (and has to be thrown away), or worse, formula that’s spilled in the process of being made.

While your baby is no doubt unique, the formula you feed them doesn’t have to be.

Think your baby is unique?  Have a picture of them being silly, sassy, angelic, angry, or just plain cute that you’d like to share?  From today until November 5, 2015, share a photo of your unique baby for a chance to win $5,000, a one year supply of Store Brand Baby Formula (winner to pick the specific store brand – Target Up & Up, Walmart’s Parent’s Choice, etc), and other fab prizes in the Store Brand Formula Sweepstakes!  And if you need some inspiration for your entry, feel free to check out the Store Brand Baby Formula page for ideas (and pay close attention to that adorable baby in the very bottom left corner…that’s my silly first born!).

Good luck!

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