Our Nighttime Visitor

Yesterday morning at about 3:05 am, I was woken up by Greenleigh standing beside my bed saying, “Mommy!  Mommy!  Mommy!” in a ridiculously loud whisper.  Looking back on the whole thing, I’m impressed that Greenleigh could achieve a whisper of any level, but at the time, I wasn’t really expecting anyone to be in our room.  I shot straight up in bed and attempted to move away from the noise I was hearing, and in the process I landed right on Erajh.  Poor guy never saw it coming…you know, because that’s the hour we normally sleep.  Did I mention that Greenleigh was wearing nothing but a pull-up at the time all of this went down?  No?  Yeah…  And that the side of her face that was visible to me was being lit up by the red light coming from my alarm clock, similar to one of those horror movies?  Yeah…

That’s right folks, we’ve transitioned to a toddler bed.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been perfectly happy keeping her caged in her crib until she was nearly 3 1/2 years old.  And I was pretty content with the idea (that down the road) I might possibly have the only teenager in the world who would go to her high school prom and then come home to sleep in her crib.  Hell, I happily would have brought her crib to college and assembled it for her.  Who cares what her roommate would have thought.

But no.  In a moment of weakness, I saw this:

And suddenly got very brave stupid.

We’re now in day 6 of the transition and it’s going, um, okay.  I’ve been nervous to blog about it up until this point because I was afraid after one day that it would  be so awful, I’d pack up the bed, for it to never be seen again.  Back to the crib she would go.  Forever.  Then I’d be embarrassed to have blogged about the toddler bed.

While I’m happy to report that it hasn’t quite been that awful, it’s definitely been an adjustment.  On the first night around 5am I heard Greenleigh on the stairway saying, “Mommy, I want to come downstairs.  I want to sleep downstairs.”, but I was able to get her back to her room and into bed without much trouble.  Days 2 and 3 flew by without incident, until day 4 when she arrived at my bedside.  Ugh.  Last night, I was so sure that we were going to get another visit that I slept with one eye open (almost literally).  Not quite restful.

She’s also getting up earlier than she used to, although not by too much.  Regardless, I’m seeing one of these in our future:But $70?  On sale?  That’s insane.  Then again, this mom is tired.  And tired moms do crazy things.  We’ll see.

Oh and for those of you wondering why Greenleigh wasn’t dressed at the time of her visit, this transition has created a new enemy: Feety Pajamas.  Adorable, and yet not practical for a potty trained toddler sleeping on her own.  That morning, she had decided to use the bathroom in our room.  She managed to walk all the way down the stairs, into our room, and use our bathroom without any problem.  It was putting the pajamas back on that she couldn’t quite do (she turns the arms inside out when she takes them off so she can’t get her arms back in there).  So far, all attempts to get her into “big girl” 2 piece pajama sets have been unsuccessful.  And trust me, I’ve tried everything.  Absolutely everything.

I guess we’ll see what tonight brings.  Please, please don’t let it be a half naked child by my bedside…

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3 Responses to Our Nighttime Visitor

  1. alex says:

    ha.ha.ha. this made me chucke. you should count yourself lucky, i still co-sleep with my 2 and a half year old. we only have one bedroom, and i tried 6 months of putting her in a cot and she screamed herself to sleep every night. i’m down with the attachment parenting thing, at the end of the day i’m a single parent and it doesn’t bother me. i do sometimes worry i’ll have a 6 year old sleeping in my bed but i’ll deal with that when the time comes.
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  2. I remember the days of my baby sneaking out when we first transitioned. Great post. I found your blog through welcome Wednesday. Could you email me about who did your website design? It looks great and I desperately need an upgrade on mine.

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