Getting Back Into Shape After Childbirth {Guest Post}

Many new moms find themselves wanting to lose a few pounds after giving birth. The time it will take to loss those unwanted pregnancy pounds will depend of a number of factors, including how much time a new mom has to devote to exercise, nutrition and how much weight has to be lost.

Most doctors recommend that an expectant mother gain no more than 25-35 additional pounds. If this is the case, it will normally take only two to three months to drop the extra pounds. However, for those who were already overweight or gained more than the recommended amount during pregnancy, it could require more time to get down to a healthy body weight.

Consulting a Doctor

Just as a woman consulted her doctor during pregnancy for her delivery plans, like pain management and umbilical cord blood banking, a mother should share her post-delivery diet and exercise plans with her doctor before beginning them. Regardless of how enthusiastic a new mom is to get back into her favorite clothes, it is important to give the body enough time to fully recover before embarking on a vigorous weight loss plan. A physician can also recommend a nutritionist who can work with a new mom on a healthy menu that will provide her with the nutrients she needs, while allowing her to lose a reasonable amount of weight per week.

Realistic Goals

One of the main reasons that many of those who try to lose weight don’t succeed is that they don’t set realistic goals or give themselves the time necessary to achieve their goals. Also, no matter how disciplined we are, sometimes we fall of the wagon and indulge in the occasional candy bar or have more daily calories than was allowed on our meal plan. The plan should take these occasional slips into account.


Dieting in the traditional sense is never a good idea. First, because cutting out too many foods rarely has a lasting impact. Secondly, because it can be dangerous, especially for new moms who are breastfeeding. A better approach is to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Also, drink plenty of water. Drinking water has been demonstrated to help people lose weight.

Finding Motivation

Creating a list of reasons she wants to get back into shape can be useful to a new mom. This list may include having more energy to spend with her kids or taking her new baby out on excursions to the park. The list might also include the fact that she will feel better about herself because she is taking the time to take care of her health.

Get Some Sleep

Getting enough rest has also been shown in studies to have an effect on weight loss. New moms who are up all night and sometimes sleep less than five hours a night tend to have a more difficult time losing weight. In part, this is due to bad food choices they make throughout the day as a way to make it through on too little sleep.

With the right mindset, goals and help from her a doctor, a mother can soon be feeling comfortable in her own body again. Caring for baby is always the number one concern for mothers, but tending to herself is equally as important to properly care for baby. With a healthy mother, a baby will grow and thrive too.

This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26.


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2 Responses to Getting Back Into Shape After Childbirth {Guest Post}

  1. Great tips, thanks! Finding the motivation would be the biggest challenge for me, creating a list is a wonderful idea!

  2. Heather says:

    Following you over from Tiggerific Tuesday. I love this post. So informative even for people who are trying to get into shape well after a baby.

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