A very special thank you to Emily Montez from www.mamafusion.com for today’s guest post. I just love her blog and I’m honored that she agreed to guest post here today. I can’t tell you how many times I feel like a frazzled mom. She really hits the nail on the head with this one.
I have a confession. I, too, used to be frazzled. I used to run around my house like a chicken with her head cut off, no real direction, no clear purpose. I always wanted to be a mom, but who knew there would be so much to it?!
Oh wait, I know, all the other moms out there knew it. All of the other women who had been right there, who had walked in my new-mom, not-yet-broken-in shoes. I wanted so badly to be a fun mom, the mom that everyone wants around, the hub where all the kids flock to. Instead I was floundering just to keep some semblance of my sanity.
My husband and I designed our house with kids in mind. We would do messy crafts in the nook outside. We had an art room upstairs, plenty of space devoted to kids, plenty of things to inspire creative play. We were all set to be the fun house. And then we had kids.
I barely had time to tie my shoes, let alone patiently help my children create beautiful masterpieces out of construction paper and glue. Sigh. Where was the fun mom I had always aspired to be? Was she just hidden under all the things that clutter up the life of a mom or had I lost her forever?
Thankfully I found balance, and, with that balance, my old self returned. I learned that kids weren’t just obstacles to get around to later (you know, after the laundry, the dishes, the errands…), but that they were the main attraction. I learned how to incorporate them into my day-to-day, how to make it both fun and educational for all of us. It was nothing short of a miraculous change, the shift between survival and thriving.
It’s always hard to weather change, whether it is a change of season or a whole new person in your family. Life is about learning to adjust, adapt, and love the tides no matter how they turn.
Find little ways to get your kids involved in your life. You will never cease to be amazed at the things they can do, the things they are interested in, and the boost they get from ‘helping’ you. They want to be a part of your life, even the boring parts. And you never know, they might just make it more fun for you too!
Emily Montez is the creator of MamaFusion: Merging Mom&Me, a group designed to help moms find their way out of the chaos of early motherhood and into the fun zone of becoming the mom you want to be. We all have a fun mom inside of us, dying to come out! Let me help you find it. 🙂
Love this!
We’re all frazzled and harried moms 🙂 I also agree that the best way to survive is to always be able to adjust to life’s curve balls. Also, instead of banishing the children from the kitchen, get them to help. Sure in the beginning it’ll be a headache but before you know it, they’ll be helping you out more which will make you less stressed.
(by the way dropping by from finding new friends hop)
Balance?? Sounds like I’m in a similar place. Stopping in from Friday’s bloghop and would love a follow back via GFC, Google + … I just started my Facebook page – if you get the chance to check that out as well. BTW, how the heck do you get so mnay likes on FB? I just started it but don’t quite know how to promote it.