Word-ish Wednesday: When a 2 year old steals your camera…

You just never know what will be there when you finally get it back.   She took these on our trip to Orlando a few weeks ago.  First, she captured my husband ironing.  Well, his feet near the ironing board.  Close enough.

Then it was off to take pictures of her favorite subject, her little sister…um, most of her at least.

She loves to take pictures of her own hand – there were several of these.

Then back to Hazeline for more pictures.  At least this time she got most of her.  She really captured the magic of Disney World, didn’t she?  Apparently, someone missed the photo tutorial.

I had forgotten that she commandeered my camera until I accidentally downloaded these on the computer, amidst all the others from Disney.  When Greenleigh saw them on the computer screen, she screeched with delight.  She got upset when I tried to skip ahead to the actual pictures of us at Disney.  I guess she knows (and loves) her own work.

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9 Responses to Word-ish Wednesday: When a 2 year old steals your camera…

  1. MissMOE says:

    This is precious. One vacation we gave our 4 year old his own camera–we had lots of pictures of knees and cars! The world is different for little kids. 😉

  2. How cute. My 12 month old gets ahold of our camera sometimes, but hasn’t managed to take any shots just yet. He mostly throws it around and is rough with it.

    Stopping by from Get Wired Wednesday and following via GFC. I would love for you to stop by my blog at http://www.naturallyhealthyparenting.blogspot.com

  3. Sorry following on Google + =)

  4. Lindsay says:

    LOL, how cute! My son always takes my iPhone and takes random pictures with it. So funny!

  5. That’s completely adorable.

  6. Lisha says:

    Isn’t that funny that even though these photos(although very good for a small child) aren’t top notch and you can barely tell what’s in the photo, she could still tell that those were the pictures she had taken? So funny 🙂

  7. Ricky says:

    your husband irons?

  8. My daughter does the same thing. Though she’s getting much better at it. Just wanted to let you know that I’ve added you via Google+ as well as subscribed to your email.

    Found your blog via Friendly Friday….

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