Wordless Wednesday: Trains & Ponies

The weather here in South Florida has been absolutely gorgeous.  Our cold snap last weekend kept our temperatures under 80 degrees for the first time in a long time, so we had no other choice but to go outside and enjoy it.  We headed to a local park were they have mini-train rides every 3rd weekend of the month.  Miniature trains are one-eighth life-size and can be powered by steam, batteries, or small gas engines.

And then it was time to head over to the ponies.  The last time we were there they were flooded, so Greenleigh was really looking to riding this time.  She took her pony ride first.

Then it was Hazeline’s turn, but before we get to the actual riding part, can we talk about how cute Hazeline looks in her helmet?  Far from a perfect fit, but adorable nonetheless.  And don’t worry, I tightened it before she actually got on the horse.

It was a bit of a rough start, but after a little while she got the hang of it.

She looks so tiny here!

And when it was over, she wanted to stay.Next time we’re getting more pony ride tickets!

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13 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Trains & Ponies

  1. Jaime Nicole says:

    Loveeee those pony rides! That’s how mine started and now I have a competitive equestrian..sheesh!

    • admin says:

      Oh, my husband is going to freak out if one of them says they want a pony. We had a horse up until recently and my husband was thrilled when we sold him. But I’m totally okay with them riding and maybe even leasing a horse.

  2. All those photos put a smile on my face! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Savannah Miller says:

    Those photos are absolutely adorable! It looks like everyone had a great time 🙂

  4. Cheryl says:

    Oh my gosh – that looks like so much fun! Right now we have snow up to our chest. 🙁

  5. What a fun day! The pony rides look so fun – I used to take my kids for them when they were little. Good times!

  6. @ParentClub says:

    Looks like a ton of fun! My kids would LOVE a pony ride.

  7. It looks like you all had a fabulous day! I love the mini train and wish that was available here in Louisiana. We do have a train at the Alexandria Zoo that my sons and I enjoy riding but, it is much bigger.
    -visiting from the Today with the Tennery’s WW

  8. Sarh Snarski says:

    The miniature trains look like a ton of fun! My 2.5 yr old is obsessed with trains, he would be so excited if we had somewhere near by with trains. Our local mall used to have a train the kids could ride on, but remodeled recently and took it out. :/

    • admin says:

      They took out the trains? How sad! Why is the mall playground and other attractions for kids going the way of the dinosaur? Keeping my kids happy and amused (or with the possible reward of going to the attractions) is the only way I can get shopping done!

  9. Monica says:

    Can I just say I am totally missing the Florida warmth and sunshine right now. 8 degrees at the bus stop this morning. Enjoy all of that warmth.

  10. What awesome pictures. I totally agree with Monica, I would love some warmth and sunshine right now!

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