I’ve posted before about Greenleigh’s love for Dora the Explorer, so it should be no surprise that I am currently in the midst of planning her Dora the Explorer birthday party. I couldn’t seem to find the right invitation, so I decided to go the custom route and contacted Becca at Jumping Jax Designs. Becca has done invites for us in the past, and I just love her work. She immediately sent me ideas for Greenleigh’s invitations, but I wanted to make sure that certain characters were included so I emailed her back and let her know the characters I needed. Becca has young kids, but I wasn’t sure if she was well versed in Dora, so I did a little explaining. She responded back letting me know that no explanation was necessary and said something to the effect of, “Oh yes, I know Dora. Why is she always yelling? Why does she show her belly? So many questions… Lol.” While I hadn’t noticed the constant yelling (unfortunately, I totally notice it now), I realized at that point, I too had questions for Dora.
So here they are, the 5 questions I would ask Dora if I ever got the chance to meet her:
- What’s up with the belly shirts? Surely you should make enough on royalties from all the crap I buy to purchase clothes that fit. You have to be a multi-millionaire on just my purchases alone. I watch your parents surprise you with slides, backpacks, and playsets, couldn’t they just buy you a shirt that fits? Or maybe a change of clothes? And while we’re on this point, I feel the need to address your hair…
- Why haven’t you called the authorities on Swiper? Seriously he’s a kleptomaniac and what he’s doing is called theft. He should be stopped, and yet you sit by episode after episode yelling at him to stop. How is that helpful? Get that fox to jail or a treatment plan or you’re just enabling him.
- How is it that you can hear your mom calling you no matter where you are? You’re a tall mountain, forest, and river away, and yet you can hear her clear as day. My child often can’t hear me and I’m standing right next to her. What’s your secret?
- Why must you ask my child to repeat things louder and louder and louder? Don’t you realize that I turn my child over to you for those 25 minutes for a little bit of quiet time? Greenleigh normally talks at a higher decibel than everyone else. You having her repeat things louder and louder isn’t accomplishing my goal for
quietquieter time. Help me out…please? - You and Boots – Platonic or more than friends? No judgment here, a girl just needs to know these things. You do spend a ton of time together.
Does your child have a favorite character? Do you have questions about those characters? Let me know what they are. I know Becca and I can’t be the only ones!
My daughter loves dora!! Stopping by from the Alexa Hop: Woman Of Many Roles
LOL! Those are some really good questions!! I’ve got a few more cartoon characts that need to be grilled like this! 🙂 Visiting from the blog hop.
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this is the best thing i ever read in my life!! haha
Okay I am with you on the belly shirts, it’s weird and should be stopped. The hair unfortunately is here to stay; there is something where cartoon chararters ideally should be identifiable from their siloette only (probably why Boots has those three giants hairs that stick up). As for Swiper he doesn’t actually steal things so much as he takes them and throws them someplace inconvenient. I am sure it is still a crime but it’s not like there is a fox hole full of stuff somewhere.
My question would be what jungle plant are you eating that you have a talking backpack and map?
Excellent question! Love it!